Five questions with Yueqing Li, visiting scholar from China
1. Why did you choose to study at KU Law? How did you learn about our program and establish contact?
One of my friends recommended KU to me.When viewing the web page of KU, I found my supervisor had the same research area. So we began communication and finally I came here.
2. What are your professional goals for your time at KU Law? What will be your next career step after your time here?
My main goal at KU Law is to get more knowledge about American business law. After I go back to China I may continue my research in business law from a comparative perspective.
3. How does the academic and research environment at KU Law differ from your home culture / institution?
There are more study and research materials are available.
4. What are your favorite things about Lawrence? What about home do you miss the most?
I like the quiet environment and beautiful natural scenery in Lawrence. I miss my relatives and friends .
5. What advice would you offer to other scholars who may want to do research abroad?
Prepare to take up challenges including language, communication, study and daily life.
— Yueqing Li conducts comparative research on Chinese and American corporate law.