KU Law alum starts podcast to learn more about the people behind the law degree Success in the legal profession doesn’t always take the straight and narrow path. Graduating seniors may be looking toward a different future entirely than the one they envisioned at the start of their 1L year as recent graduate Paula Lopez expressed in a past blog …
¿Donde esta la biblioteca?
Books, resources, events and more! When I was younger, my mom would take my siblings, cousins, and me to our hometown public library. On the weekends, we would go to the free movie screenings in the library basement and enjoy the freshly popped popcorn. On weekdays, after school, we would get hour-long passes to use the computers and attempt to …
Creating Pawsitive Connections
Why I Love Pet Sitting for the KU Law Community The ABA published an article in 2020 about the benefits of pet ownership for lawyers. Physical, mental and emotional well-being are among the listed benefits of having a furry friend. Lawyers are particularly stressed out and often suffer from vicarious trauma due to the intense nature of their work. Pets …
Hands-On Learning Q&A: Joshua Lollar, Judicial Field Placement
Prior to law school, Joshua Lollar, 2L, spent time in a seminary in New York before heading back home to Lawrence to serve as a priest in an Eastern Orthodox parish. However, his memories of visiting Green Hall when his mother was a KU Law student led him to enroll in KU Law himself after 10 years of priesthood. Now, …
Working it Out
Can and Should I Work through Law School? There are a lot of reasons why you might ask the question. Law school is obviously expensive, even at a place like KU, where affordability is a genuine priority. Some people like to use non-law school work to stay grounded or to follow an external passion. Law-related work can be a great …
Hands-On Learning Q&A: Tyler Schembri, Criminal Prosecution Field Placement
From nearly the beginning of his higher education journey, Tyler Schembri, 3L, knew that criminal prosecution was where he wanted to be. He graduated from the University of New Mexico with a degree in Criminology and, after graduation, was commissioned into the U.S. Army on active duty, where he was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. As part of his transition …