Witchcraft trials

Less than a week until Halloween and we definitely do not have a shortage of witches in the news. From Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell’s campaign ad to the Witch’s Wit beer label controversy, October is definitely the season of the witch! As I’m sure you know Western culture has quite the history with witchcraft. In the United States, we …

Wine Law

This past weekend I presented at a Law Library conference in San Francisco. One of the presentations I attended was a short run-down on wine law. I found the history utterly fascinating! I won’t go into to much detail here but I will say that the current hot-topic issue is direct-to-consumer shipping. Of course each state has its own rules …

Researching Native American Law

Native American law covers the body of law concerning American Indian tribes and their interactions with federal and state authorities, as well as among themselves. Historically, Native American law has been chiefly influenced and shaped by federal Indian policy. Tribes are generally considered self-governing, independent entities. However, this independence is subject to the power of Congress to regulate the status …

Wheat Law Library celebrates Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week September 25−October 2, 2010 This is Banned Books Week (BBW), an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the last week of September, from Saturday to Saturday, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship …

The benefits of meditation for lawyers, law students

It appears that meditation has gotten a bit of a bad reputation thanks to a lot of misinformation. So I should probably clear some things up! Meditation is not in itself a religious practice anymore than pushups are. Granted, most religions do have some sort of meditative practice. However, the universal appeal of meditation not only points to its usefulness …

Countdown to the return of the Supremes

After a summer break, the Supremes will be coming back. So what does their end-of-summer look like leading up to Oct. 4? A return from summer fun stuff. Many of the Supremes spend time in foreign countries teaching law students, giving speeches and, of course, getting some much-needed rest. Well, except for Justice Kagan. She’s been at the court learning …