The librarians are coming! Wheat Law Library to host joint conference in Lawrence

The Wheat Law Library will host the joint Mid-America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL) and Southwestern Association of Law Libraries (SWALL) conference on Nov. 3-5. On Nov. 3-4, all activities take place at The Oread. Librarians and information specialist from academic law libraries, law firms, and court and government libraries from 13 states in the area will attend. Approximately 125 …

Could you be getting more out of Google’s search engine? Some tips and tricks

Recently, the Wheat Law Library received a book titled Google for Lawyers: Essential Search Tips and Productivity Tools,” by Carole A. Levitt and Mark E. Rosch. I instantly fell in love with it. For those of you who don’t know, Google started off as a basic search engine but has grown into a means of categorizing and disseminating electronic information. …

Goodbye to Green: Farewell letter from Todd Rogers

Welcome back to Green Hall! The beginning of the 2011-12 academic year is bittersweet for me, as it marks the end of my tenure at KU Law and a return to Boulder, Colo. I recently accepted the position of Assistant Dean of Career Development at the University of Colorado Law School, where I previously worked in 2000-01. My last day …

Google Patents, Google Scholar and now Google Law?

It was announced on Aug. 11 that Google Ventures dropped $18.5 million into Rocket Lawyer, an online company that provides legal forms. So this raises the question: Will we be seeing Google Law in the near future? Google and the law Google has set itself up as a leader in information gathering and dissemination, including in the legal arena. Google …