The University of Kansas School of Law provides students with 13 clinical opportunities. As a nontraditional law student, I find that the clinical opportunities are my favorite experiences at the law school. Over the past three years, I have participated in the Public Policy Clinic, the Externship Clinic, and the Legislative Clinic. Each of these clinical opportunities provided me with …
Traffic Court experience drives home vital advocacy skills
My new tie felt like a noose tightening around my neck. The suit chafed against me. I couldn’t breathe. My hands shook. Cold nausea rolled over me. But there was no backing out now. I shuffled my evidence, my notes, anything to keep busy, occasionally glancing to the podium, knowing I would be standing there any minute. I wiped the …
Biodiversity Law In Paradise (1/15/2013)
Every year, the students in Biodiversity Law travel with Professor Andrew W. Torrance to the Virgin Islands (U.S. and British) for an intensive week-long fieldtrip. This is the dispatch from January 15, which originally appeared on Torrance’s blog Lexvivo. The Biodiversity Law class began its first full day in the Virgin Islands with a voyage across the channel from the …
A glimpse into the high-stress world of Planet OCS: from Marine to law student
No joke, stepping off that bus was like stepping into another dimension. Behind you was the world you knew: you were familiar with this world, you had a pretty good idea how it worked and you thought you were pretty badass for it. But once your foot left the bus and landed on that hot asphalt known as Brown Field …
No sleeping on the job: Courtroom testimony provides pivotal personal moment for law student
Did you know that a billionaire is secretly building a small town near Paonia, Colo., called Bear Creek? You can’t drive up and look at it. There is a gate that you won’t get past without proper identification. If you run into one of the construction workers at a bar, you better hope he or she is plowed if you …
Student whistling new tune after summer internship at big law firm
I never planned on working at a law firm. I started law school not knowing if I even wanted to be a lawyer. I didn’t know any attorneys growing up, and I was considerably unfamiliar with the practice of law. As I settled into my life as a law student and began to absorb all of the new subject matter, …