Environmental Law Society members plant a redbud tree on Jayhawk Boulevard during the Replant Mount Oread event in March 2012.
The Environmental Law Society welcomes its new members and supporters for 2012-13! The ELS hosted its kick-off meeting Tuesday, Sept. 18 and introduced this year’s officers, faculty supporters, and upcoming events.
After a brief hiatus, the ELS came back full force last year, hosting a Career Options Panel, a nature walk, an Earth Day celebration, a talk by EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks, and participating in the Center for International Trade and Agriculture conference and the University’s Replant Mount Oread initiative. The KU Environmental Law Society was founded to gather KU Law students interested in environmentalism to learn about the practice of environmental law, to network with practicing environmental law attorneys and other professionals in related fields, and to contribute to our community through service projects that benefit the environment. To accomplish these missions, the organization is comprised of three committees: education, networking, and service, with each committee hosting events throughout the year.
This year’s events include the annual Career Options Panel on Oct. 16, fall and spring nature walks, an educational speaker in the spring, and participation in a conference on climate change and tribal nations on March 1 and Replant Mount Oread in the spring.
Environmental issues are relevant to us all personally, and will be relevant to most of us professionally. The ELS provides the perfect opportunity to prepare for a legal career in a world of ever-increasing environmental concerns. So get involved! For more information, visit KU Environmental Law Society on Facebook or email aazad89@hotmail.com.
— Ava Azad, president, Environmental Law Society