I would like to introduce to you one of my favorite databases: HeinOnline. William S. Hein & Co. Inc. started 80 years ago as a preservation publisher. This means they would take long, out-of-print legal research material and reprint it in either hard copies or microfilm/fiche format. In the early 1990s, they started using digital technology to make this process …
E-mail etiquette for law students, lawyers
Most professionals I know, and most students in professional school for that matter, spend a good deal of time each day composing e-mails. While some of these e-mails undoubtedly address personal matters, business matters generate lots of electronic traffic. Cover letters and resumes are the backbone of job-search correspondence, but effective use of e-mail can greatly enhance, or diminish, one’s …
Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Law School
The KU Law chapter of Phi Alpha Delta presented a current student’s perspective on the “Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Law School” to prospective law students in KU’s PAD Pre-Law Chapter on Sept. 8. Here are their tips: On the first day of law school, everyone is on an even playing field, regardless of age, career background, …
A law librarian’s journey into the Twittersphere
Do you use Twitter? “What’s all this nonsense about Twitter? It’s like Facebook, right? But you only do status updates? So you post things like, ‘I’m eating breakfast. I’m driving in my car.’ I don’t want people to know what I’m doing all the time! PASS!” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this. Can you guess what …
Student organizations foster engagement
One of my favorite aspects of my role as the associate dean for student affairs is working with our student organizations. Our student groups plan symposia, host speakers, organize community service events and charitable fundraisers, and coordinate social events. Many of these events have become annual traditions embedded in student life: the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) Thanksgiving Food Drive; …
Law librarian ranks top 10 iPhone apps for law students
I realize that I am a latecomer to this craze. Like most Apple products, I was content to admire from afar. However, this past July, I decided to join the ranks of the uber-cool and purchase myself the geek’s most powerful tool in the arsenal of geekdom: the iPhone. It did not take me long to discover the amazing functionality …