Library’s Kagan page provides one-stop shop for information on the Supreme Court nominee

The University of Michigan Law Library’s informational Web page for the latest nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Solicitor General Elena Kagan, was created May 10 by reference librarian Kincaid Brown within hours of the announcement. It is available here. The Web page includes biographical information about Kagan, links to her authored works, transcripts of speeches and links to confirmation …

Law librarians share words of wisdom with graduating class

I have worked here at the University of Kansas Wheat Law Library for just over three years. Technically, I, too, am a 3L. The first class I taught was the 2007 summer starters, but really that was a bit of a dry run. My true connection was with the fall starters, what was to be the Class of 2010. You …

New HeinOnline resource opens door to world’s constitutions and more

HeinOnline now has available World Constitutions Illustrated: Contemporary & Historical Documents & Resources. World Constitutions Illustrated is now available as an a la carte library which introduces a brand new legal research platform that brings together constitutional documents, books, articles, bibliographic referenes and Web sites all in one database. Although it is still in its infancy, it does contain the …

National Library Workers Day

Today, thousands of communities will celebrate National Library Workers Day (NLWD), a time when library staff, patrons, administrators and Friends groups will recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers. You are invited to name a “Star” library employee for the NLWD Web site at, where everyone can see what makes this person an exceptional library employee. Anyone …

National Library Week at the Wheat Law Library

National Library Week is observed this year from April 11 through April 17 with the theme “Communities thrive @ your library.” The first sponsored National Library Week was in 1958, and the American Library Association (ALA) has continued this yearly celebration in April ever since. It’s a great time to recognize the contributions our libraries have made to our communities. …

Legal research? There’s an app for that

Picture these scenerios: Oh man! What was that case again? I know it was in Virginia and it had something to do with comic books and obscenity law. Grrrr… You know what would rock? If I could make this commute billable. OK … last-minute check before I tell oposing counsel what they can do with their offer… Well there’s an …