I’ll tell you right now, your first year of law school is a lot of reading and writing. Although reading and writing will be a large part of any attorney’s job, other skills like client communication, oral argumentation, and basic courtroom etiquette are equally essential. One of the coolest things I’ve experienced here at KU Law is the opportunity to …
Lawyer suits, eye patches and peg legs, oh my!
Back in February, KU’s international moot court team traveled to Denver, Colorado to compete in the 55th annual Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. The Jessup Moot Court competition is the world’s largest moot court competition, with participants from 80 countries and more than 550 law schools. The competition is based on a fact pattern that draws on …
From Africa to Lawrence and back: One student’s journey
Law school was always part of “the plan” for me. I did not know what I wanted from it or what it could give me, though I gave my best guess in my personal statement. When classes began, my thoughts were elsewhere. I had just finished an internship at the U.S. Embassy in Malawi and had fallen in love with …
Law school gives 2L the ‘swimming lesson’ she desperately needs
No one pushed me into the deep end of the pool when I was a tot. I had a fear of drowning and resisted formal lessons because swimming in the deep end terrified me. Today I am a competent swimmer, comfortable enough in the water to know I won’t drown, but I’m never the strongest nor the fastest person in …
Summer in Bangladesh yields scholarship, philanthropy opportunities for students studying garment industry
KU Law students Madeline Heeren and Aqmar Rahman planned to spend the summer after their first year of law school in Bangladesh studying the garment industry. Just weeks before their departure, a commercial building in the capital of Dhaka collapsed, killing 1,129 people and injuring more than 2,500. It was the deadliest garment factory accident in history. Overnight, the industry …
Student finds path to LGBT advocacy through KU Law
Jake McMillian didn’t think Kansas was a progressive enough place to launch his career, but KU Law proved him wrong. Now, with a year of law school under his belt, he’s working and advocating for LGBT rights in Kansas City and has realized the importance of serving his own state. “As I have watched the snowball of equality build rapidly …