Library resources abound for finals prep

Now that you are stuffed with turkey (or Tofurkey), it’s time to stuff your brains for finals! Don’t forget to let the Wheat Law Library help you put on your outlining caps and start preparing. Here are a few resources you just might find useful!

CALI (The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction)

CALI is computer-based, interactive tutorial that is free for KU Law Students. You login to the website and choose a lesson. These lessons by topic, author or, even cooler, casebook. Once you choose a topic, CALI will provide you with a brief description of a legal concept. Once the concept has been spelled out, CALI will provide you with a scenario and then ask you a question. If you get it wrong, CALI will tell you why. If you get it right, CALI will ask you to type in why you are right and then compare it to a model answer. Pretty slick, no? If you think you would like to check out CALI, contact me for an access code.

Course reserves on Blackboard

Did you know that the Wheat Law Library has old exams on reserve? It’s true! To access them, you simply logon to Blackboard. One of the courses you are subscribed to should be titled Course Reserves. Once you are in there, you may browse for old exams by either subject or professor. While not every professor has an exam available, it can still be useful practice.

Books on reserve

The Wheat Law Library has many useful books on reserve available to be checked out for a short period of time. These include various Nutshell titles as well as some horn books and proprietary outlines. To browse which titles are available, see the blue binder at the circulation desk.

Bar review material

If you are looking for some practice questions or perhaps a different explanation of some concepts that you can’t quite grasp, you might want to try looking at some of the materials we have covering the Bar. Everything is located near the main entrance to the library, just past the reference desk.

And as always, should you have any questions, feel free to come in and chat with one of our reference librarians! We are always willing and able to help you locate whatever you might need to help you get through your finals.

Good luck!

W. Blake Wilson, Instructional and Research Services Librarian