You belong: A mini conversation about imposter syndrome

When I received my acceptance into KU Law, I often made the joke that the admissions office must have made a mistake and felt too bad to revoke my admission. While it sounds crazy, some small part of me wondered if that was what had happened. I felt like an imposter.

Anshul Banga
Anshul Banga, 1L Student Ambassador

Imposter syndrome can be described as a persistent feeling of phoniness in people who believe they are not intelligent, capable or creative despite evidence of high achievement. A crucial element of the imposter phenomenon is the sense that you’re the only person suffering from these thoughts. However, you are not alone. Most individuals, especially those within fields of higher education, experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives.

Speaking from personal experience, the law school environment seems to exacerbate the problem. In an environment where our grades are determined relative to those surrounding us, it is difficult to not compare yourself to your peers. At times, this incentivizes people to present themselves in a better situation than they may actually be in. I know I have found myself in such situations where I would act like I am fully caught up on readings when the truth is that I’m nearly a month behind.

But recognizing these feelings as imposter syndrome is just the first step. How do we challenge those thoughts?

1. Talk to others  

One of the best ways to overcome feelings of imposter syndrome is to talk about what you are feeling with friends and recognize others may feel the exact same way. Even in moments where I have been unable to talk to someone, I ask myself what advice I would give to a friend if they approached me with the same situation. Every single time the answer is that I’m clearly overthinking the issue and that I deserve what I had achieved.

2. Be nice to yourself

When you do something well, take the time to recognize your accomplishments. If you are unsure of what accomplishments you have achieved, recognize that you are here at KU Law! You were accepted into this school based on your merits and the belief that you would be able to thrive here.

By no means do I claim to be an expert on the topic. Rather, I hope this post gives awareness to an issue most of us face and yet, is not often talked about in law school. Any sources I have relied on I have included below.

1. Imposter Syndrome & the Non-Traditional Law Professor

2. The Phantom Menace to Professional Identity Formation and Law School Success: Imposter Syndrome

-By Anshul Banga, a 1L from Atlanta, Georgia and KU Law Student Ambassador

Focusing on the finish line: lessons applied to 1L from my years as a runner

Though the white blanket of snow on the ground may suggest otherwise, spring break for the 2021-2022 academic year is upon us. Frankly, it comes as a bit of a shock since it seems like it was January yesterday. Nevertheless, the semester rolls forward, and with it comes a well-deserved spring break for us all in Green Hall.

Some of us may strictly turn to some needed R&R, while others may hit the books; both are entirely reasonable. I personally plan on taking advantage of this time in a way I didn’t last semester. Last semester, I was focused on just getting by and tended to avoid practice problems for fear of confusing myself and/or encountering that feeling of doubt where I lacked confidence. However, I feel I can best use my study time this break in a manner I’ve subtly known for roughly 15-plus years.

Cameron Savard
Cameron Savard, 1L Student Ambassador

 After reflection, I think turning to my athletic roots within running will pay dividends in how I approach my second round of exams.

I started this activity in the sixth grade—both for school athletics and for my own benefit. It has seen me participate in many races over the years. Some of these events are exceptionally unique and meaningful to me. One of these events was a half-marathon where I ran on behalf of a local nonprofit, and the other a 200-mile relay race completed with my co-workers across Texas. As I recall, it served me absolutely no purpose to merely show up on race day without meaningful practice beforehand. For the half marathons in particular, I had to change up how fast and how long I did my daily runs over the span of months. I had to gradually build to where I could go the entire 13.1 miles comfortably without stopping, all the while leaving room for whatever may happen on race day (bad weather, how I personally felt that day, if I got enough sleep, what to focus on if my AirPods died, etc.). There were days I felt lazy after school or work, and I did not want to set out into the cold, rain or both—now adding snow, thanks to Kansas. However, I knew the importance of encountering discomfort and how my ability to manage it helped me—literally—go the distance.

I realized that my exams truly weren’t much different.

Exam day is, in my view, akin to stepping on the starting line and putting the hard work you’ve done all semester on display (only instead of a crowd cheering you on, you have the wholesome sound of clicking keyboards). With preparation for this day comes practicing hypotheticals where I may feel uncomfortable or unsure. However, what’s vital is the effort I place into that meaningful practice where I learn from each hypothetical. It’s there that progress is made and where I can feel ready for the finish line, knowing I did my best.

-By Cameron Savard, a 1L from Katy, Texas and KU Law Student Ambassador

Law professors HATE these four SIMPLE tricks to MAXIMIZE productivity 👇🧵

Andrew Arbuckle
Andrew Arbuckle,
3L Student Ambassador

I’ve learned a thing or two about prioritizing and staying focused to maximize productivity during my three years of law school. Most of these things I’ve learned the hard way. My hope is to save you from doing the same. These tips are only meant to help, and, as you might’ve guessed, law professors don’t actually hate them.

  1. Start with the end in mind

Basically, just know what you want to accomplish before you start–so much easier said than done, but it is mission critical. You need to know where you’re going before you start. This is the basic premise of the adage work smarter, not harder.

Make a plan that outlines what you want to accomplish and puts your goals in focus. Stick to it. Recalibrate when necessary–it will be necessary more than a couple times.

Dr. Stephen R. Covey, the leadership expert I shamelessly ripped this off from, says, “People are working harder than ever, but because they lack clarity and vision, they aren’t getting very far. They, in essence, are pushing a rope with all of their might.” Don’t be one of these people.

  1. Take a B R E A K

Taking time away from your studies to maximize productivity seems counterintuitive, I know. The caricature of grind culture purports that putting your head down, eliminating all distractions and working until the job is done at all times is the best and only way to operate. In the context of law student productivity, this is misleading at best and flat wrong at worst.

If you find yourself spun out on a legal concept, take a break. There are few areas of the law that are inherently complicated when taken in digestible bites–calling you out, rule against perpetuities.

To be productive in law school means, in large part, to be learning. Good luck retaining any information if you never stop working.

  1. Don’t fear failure

There is a direct, positive relationship between failure and success. Failure is unavoidable when it comes to growth; some of our greatest moments of growth arise from our greatest failures. Boneheaded mistakes can be avoided by exercising judgment, but what constitutes a “boneheaded mistake” will change over time.

Judgment comes from experience, which comes from time. Time isn’t necessarily on your side as a law student, particularly when starting out, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo. Just roll with the punches, learn to fail faster and smarter.

In the words of Sahil Bloom, “Don’t be afraid to get punched in the face…Getting punched in the face builds a strong jaw.”

  1. Fall in love with the process

Prioritize the process, not the results. Results are what any process is all about, so it’s logical to want to put results first. But being absorbed with results and not as interested in the process will make persevering even more difficult when times inevitably get tough.

Law school is three years of hard work that will not necessarily produce tangible results like work in the outside world might. Three years is a pretty long time by any measure, which makes enjoying the process so much more important.

Take note of all the neurotic, mega-rich people out there who seem to have it all. Assuming they worked tirelessly for the mass wealth they have now, you would think that wealth (aka, the results) would elicit a great sense of fulfillment. Why doesn’t it? Maybe results are overrated.

By Andrew Arbuckle, a 3L from Mulvane, Kansas and KU Law Student Ambassador

Five reasons why I recommend participating in Legal Aid Clinic before graduation

As I near the end of my time in law school (shoutout Class of 2022), I have been taking stock of my experiences over the last three years that I know will stick out to me post-graduation. One of the most memorable and beneficial experiences from my time at KU Law will forever remain the Legal Aid Clinic. To convince everyone, I wanted to share the top five reasons I recommend students participate in the clinic. 

Heddy Pierce-Armstrong
Heddy Pierce-Armstrong, 3L Student Ambassador

1. Opportunity to get courtroom jitters out, with supervision

Within my first month in the Legal Aid Clinic, I had the chance to represent clients during status conferences for municipal cases. Though I thought I already knew how to do that from my participation in what seemed like every applicable class, I really didn’t. The night before my first appearance, I remember frantically calling my colleagues in the clinic to see exactly what we were supposed to say. When I felt comfortable, I wrote my “script,” got the script approved by my supervisor and appeared in court with my clients. And it was easy. But I would have never believed that before. As the semester intensified, and I had more responsibilities and expectations, I felt so much more confident because I had overcome the hurdle of actually speaking in court for a client. The opportunity to be supported and guided as I got all my jitters out was immeasurable. 

2. Office collaboration and camaraderie

This goes without saying, but when you stick 10 students in the “bullpen” in clinic for 10 or more hours a week, fast friendships are likely to form. During the clinic, I had the opportunity to build friendships with classmates I had never had the chance to talk to before. I learned so much about those friends. They were always eager to help me, even with issues outside of the clinic’s areas of focus. When I had confusion on a subject in another class, clinic friends who were familiar with the subject helped me. 

Most importantly, the office collaboration was like nothing I had ever experienced during law school. Everyone was willing to share their work, ideas and templates in the clinic. There is true collaboration amongst the interns. This was such a welcoming feeling, as I had never interned somewhere with so many people on my skill level. 

3. Professor Daily, Professor Schnug and Barb

The faculty supervising the Legal Aid Clinic is truly top-notch. Throughout the clinic, I built a one-on-one mentoring relationship with both Professor Daily and Professor Schnug. I left the clinic knowing I had two excellent practitioners in my corner willing to help me in any way they could. What I will remember the most about the professors though, is their pure belief in the work they are doing. So rarely do we get to witness that before we leave law school because so many attorneys just find jobs where they can. This is not the case for Professors Daily and Schnug, who have a gift for guiding the next generation of attorneys. 

Barbara Wrigley, or Barb, feels like the clinic’s office manager. I greatly valued ribbing Barb every morning that I was always the first student at the clinic. Every day Barb would ask me about my family, my weekend or my classes. Going into the clinic truly felt like a second home. Plus, Barb seems to know almost every attorney and judge in town, and she was always helpful in explaining how different divisions handled matters uniquely. So many of the extraordinary aspects of clinic come from the faculty who work in the clinic, and for that, I am thankful I got to learn from lawyers who truly value their jobs.  

4. Partnering courses with actual practice

In typical law school classes, it is easy to lose sight of why we are all here or what will happen after we graduate. Clinic experience gives students the chance to pair what they learn in class with what they will do in practice. So often you hear about people losing motivation during their third year of law school. The Legal Aid Clinic struck the perfect balance to keep me engaged in my purpose in law school. Throughout the semester in the clinic, I was able to use the knowledge I gained the past two years. That was invaluable.

5. The ability to confront inequities in the law, learn to think more critically and strengthen your understanding of diverse experiences

In class, we often tend to shy away from the tough topics of inequities in both the law and the world. This is not the case in the Legal Aid Clinic, where you directly confront how socioeconomic status, race and lived experiences inhibit a person in the legal system. I learned to discern my life experiences and thoughts from those of my clients—what I would do or what would work for me is not the same for clients. Weekly readings aligned with this notion. The professors did not shy away from hard topics. As a person who felt especially passionate about these issues before enrolling in the clinic, I left feeling more equipped to operate in the system that exists to help our clients get the best outcome.

Students in the Legal Aid Clinic review a document with Professor Daily
Students in the Legal Aid Clinic review a document with Professor Daily

I could continue on and on with my praise for the Legal Aid Clinic; however, I will note that what I value from the clinic is not what the next person will value. The autonomy and self-direction have specifically benefitted me in ways I can never fully explain. You can count this as my official endorsement to fit clinic experience into your schedule during law school. As I end, I simply want to say thank you. Thank you to Professors Daily and Schnug, and to Barb. But also—a huge amount of gratitude goes to my peers in the Fall 2021 Legal Aid Clinic.

By Heddy Pierce-Armstrong, a 3L from El Dorado, Kansas and KU Law Student Ambassador

Why law school isn’t that bad

We often hear all the horrors of law school: the large amounts of stress, never having enough time and constant pressure to be the best. While these feelings are common and felt by everyone at some point in time, sometimes we forget to highlight the best parts of law school.

Jamie Treto
Jamie Treto, 2L Student Ambassador
  • Meeting great friends
Jamie Treto with law school friends

Law school exposes us to a variety of unique people. We come from all over the world with different upbringings and distinct experiences. But one thing that binds us together is our desire to pursue law. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals is refreshing and enjoyable. Whether you find friends who can debate your favorite legal theories or friends who make you step away from the academic world, finding people that *get* you will make your time at Green Hall much more enjoyable. My friends and I like to host small, themed gatherings at the end of each semester and talk about anything but the law. We also have furry friends join us from time to time.

  • Taking interesting courses and clinics

Let’s be honest, we all hated taking math in undergrad. I’m almost certain hating math is a requirement for all law school applications. Now that I’m in law school, I get to steer away from that side of academia and take courses that interest me and further my career. KU Law offers a variety of courses and clinics that will give you the knowledge and hands-on training you’ll need to decide what career path you want to take. Whether you want to try your hand at the Elder Law Field Placement Program or want to work to exonerate innocent people who have been wrongfully convicted, Green Hall provides clinics to give you that hands-on experience. For me, being a student intern in the Paul E. Wilson Project for Innocence & Post-Conviction Remedies has solidified my desire to help people who have been wrongfully convicted and work toward a more equitable system of justice. As for tax law? I’ll pass on that!

  • Learning to prioritize what’s important
Jamie Treto and her dog Bella having a treat

I love free time, who doesn’t? But I have learned to love it so much more now that I have less of it. On the days that I have an afternoon to myself, I always prioritize doing things that I enjoy rather than lying around doing nothing. If the weather is cold, I’ll hit the gym or cook up a new recipe. If the weather is warm, my dog, Bella, and I like to explore Clinton Lake or other walking trails throughout Lawrence. I used to find excuses or push things off for “another time,” but now that my schedule is packed, I jump at any opportunity to do something new. Currently, Bella and I love people watching at Burcham Park and rewarding ourselves with some ice cream afterward.

-By Jamie Treto, a 2L from Garden City, Kansas and KU Law Student Ambassador

My favorite things about Lawrence

After living in Lawrence for seven years, I’ll be moving away this summer. I’ve had an incredible time living in Lawrence, and if I was given the opportunity to start law school over, I would easily choose KU again. Lawrence is the true definition of a college town. It has a nice, homey feel without too many distractions––perfect for a busy law student. Here are some of my favorite things about Lawrence.

Sim Johal
Sim Johal, 3L Student Ambassador

The people

Everywhere I go in Lawrence, people are kind and welcoming. Whether they are students, professors or locals, the people are genuinely kind. I often run into friends when I go anywhere––which is a plus of living in a smaller town.

Coffee shops

I love studying at coffee shops, and Lawrence has plenty of local spots. Some of my favorites include The Java Break, Alchemy, The Roost and J & S Coffee.


Lawrence has so many local restaurants that I will definitely come back to town for. I love the Burger Stand at The Casbah, Jefferson’s, Cielito Lindo, The Eldridge and Pizza Shuttle (try their pizza with cream cheese––SO good).


One of my favorite things to do at KU is go to basketball games. Allen Fieldhouse is historic, and nothing matches up to the experience of watching a game here. KU fans love basketball and game days are a blast. Plus, James Naismith’s original rules of basketball are on display at the DeBruce Center, located right next to Allen Fieldhouse.

The campus

KU’s campus is one of the things I love most. The campus is on top of a hill and is absolutely beautiful. Although the walk up the hill was difficult at times, Jayhawk Boulevard is truly one of a kind. The campus is great for dog walks, jogs and strolls on the weekend.

I’m sad to be leaving Lawrence but so thankful to have loved each of the seven years I spent here.

-By Sim Johal, a 3L from Springfield, Missouri and KU Law Student Ambassador