Exemplary student to pursue career in tribal law Aidan Graybill, L’21, decided to become a lawyer to pursue her dream of advocating for Indian tribes. Three years later, Graybill is turning her dream into reality. Graybill’s legal ambitions brought her to the University of Kansas School of Law, where she studied tribal law and federal Indian law. Graybill is a …
Adapting the Judicial Field Placement Program to a virtual format
Since 1963, students at the University of Kansas School of Law have had the opportunity to get firsthand experience of how the law works by serving as interns with federal and state judges. Under the supervision of a judge, law clerk or staff attorney, Judicial Field Placement Program interns perform research, draft documents and observe courtroom proceedings to expand their …
My dog’s journey through Paw School
Mellie, my 4-year-old golden retriever, has spent most of her life in paw school pursuing the prestigious Juris Dogtorate degree to become a full-time pawalegal. In these past few years, we’ve both learned a lot. Here were some of our biggest takeaways (that I have transcribed directly from Mellie, of course) from the journey that is law school: Do what …
Helen Phillips finds community at KU Law in small section
Let me just say, starting law school in the middle of a pandemic is a bit odd. Really, everything over the past year has been different, and sometimes really tough. But I do know that I am surviving, and sometimes even enjoying myself, because of my small section (Woo! Small Section 1!). As a 1L, everyone is placed in a …
Valeria Carbajal: Why I went to law school
I’m in the last semester of my 3L year, and it just doesn’t feel real. I refuse to believe that it’s been almost three years since I sat at Green Hall watching one friend draw a cow on the board, another sit across from me wearing a lobster costume, and Professor Laura Hines drawing her famous rendition of the United …
Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way
As a 3L in my final semester, it seems only appropriate that I use my time on this platform to get unabashedly sentimental about my law school experience. My dear friend, Ellen Bertels, has already taken the time to thank the many wonderful professors at KU Law who got us to this point, so I would like to thank a different …