The Federalist Society is a national nonpartisan group of conservative and libertarian law students and lawyers interested in the current state of the legal order. We are founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the …
Changes to US News employment calculation fail to provide necessary nuance to prospective students
US News and World Report released its new law school rankings on Tuesday. While KU Law’s reputational scores among lawyers and judges improved, our overall ranking declined 12 spots to a tie for No. 79 among all law schools. KU Law ranked No. 38 among public law schools. KU Law did, however, rank No. 50 overall, and No. 25 among …
Camping: It’s more than just (getting good seats for) a game
Ten minutes before tip-off, I receive a familiar text from my dad: “B or T?” This is short-hand for “beak or tail,” a reference to the Jayhawk on the basketball court at Allen Fieldhouse. I respond “B,” letting my parents know that I am sitting on the “beak side” of the arena and add “first row, just behind the bench.” …
CALI Lawdibles: your audio law professor
Here’s the setup: You’ve just arrived for your professor’s office hours with 10 minutes left. You can ask only one question, and your professor has to answer quickly, but also completely and accurately. Enter Lawdibles. Lawdibles are 10-minute audio recordings of law professors answering very specific questions you will likely encounter in law school. But unlike a lot of study …
Saint Thomas More Society combines faith, legal studies
The Saint Thomas More Society is a group of Catholic law students at the University of Kansas School of Law. Group members focus on living out our Catholic faith in our daily lives and studies. Encouraging daily prayer, frequent receipt of the Sacraments, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and learning more about our faith are methods by which we foster …
Law school: You don’t have to do it alone
“Build a network of legal professionals.” You will hear this at the welcome orientation, from at least one of your first-year law professors, from the great people at career services and basically from anyone in the legal profession when you ask, “What should I be doing?” While I completely agree, I have always felt that the most overlooked but also …