The best parts of law school, according to a departing 3L

I struggled mightily with what to write for this blog. How do I encapsulate three years of blood, sweat, caffeine and tears in 700(ish) words? I decided that the only way to this would be a personal favorite blog method of mine: power rankings. So without further ado, welcome to the KU Law Class of 2019 Years-In-Review Power Rankings (working …

Embracing the uncertainty

Within the first hours of law school, all 1Ls are taught to embrace the uncertainty in the law. Little did I know, uncertainty would become a constant in my life. It started as merely a part of what I do, and it has become a part of who I am.  My first experience with uncertainty came in my last year …

Don’t box yourself in!

When I began law school, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with a law degree. Criminal prosecution and defense has always been a near and dear subject to me. I had no doubt that working in Kansas City as a Prosecutor or Criminal Defense attorney would be the move after graduation. That being said, I did not intern …

Stop studying … it might help you get a job

Woah, did I read that right? Yes, you did. But, don’t get the wrong idea. I am not saying that re-watching Parks and Recreation for the fifth time is going to land you a job. However, in certain situations, closing your books for the night and getting away from your study carrel will be extremely beneficial in your search for …

Clearing your head

Finding balance in law school is all about allowing yourself simple pleasures. I love my daily coffee at the Burge Union, my Friday night movie marathons, and the potluck dinners my friends and I host. The nicest thing I do for myself, though, is walking to and from school. Unless the weather is bad (or I oversleep my alarm), I …

Teamwork is essential to law school success

Before coming to law school, I spent several years as a firefighter and paramedic. Teamwork was very important to everything we did. We trained as a team, worked as a team and ate as a team. Just about everything that we did was a group effort. Within my first few weeks in law school, I realized how different this experience …