Wheat Law Library celebrates Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week September 25−October 2, 2010 This is Banned Books Week (BBW), an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the last week of September, from Saturday to Saturday, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship …

The power of positive psychology: part one

The recession is lingering like an unwelcome house guest. The legal job market is improving, but slower than anyone wants. The honeymoon stage of the fall semester is over. Law school reading assignments are likely piling up. Days are getting shorter. What’s a stressed out law student to do? How can you cope with pressures of law school while maintaining …

Learning the law in London

My name is Josh Williamson, and I am currently a 3L here at the University of Kansas School of Law. During the 2010 spring semester, I had the opportunity to study law in London as a participant of the London Law Consortium. (In addition to KU Law, the London Law Consortium is comprised of six other law schools located throughout …

Countdown to the return of the Supremes

After a summer break, the Supremes will be coming back. So what does their end-of-summer look like leading up to Oct. 4? A return from summer fun stuff. Many of the Supremes spend time in foreign countries teaching law students, giving speeches and, of course, getting some much-needed rest. Well, except for Justice Kagan. She’s been at the court learning …