KU Law: MADD about making a difference!

Waking up at 8am on a Saturday isn’t usually the first thing students want to do. However, on October 2nd, 44 students and 13 alumni woke up bright and early to volunteer for the 3rd Make a Difference Day. KU Law students, alumni, and professors all gathered in Green Hall at 9am for breakfast and to receive their assignments for …

The power of positive psychology: part two

In our last Career Services blog posting, we introduced the field of positive psychology and its potential impact on law students and lawyers. To review, positive psychology is the science of exceptional human performance. Researchers in the field consider a number of questions, and one of the most important and fundamental is – what makes us happy? Is it money? …

My (fun) first-year experiences

Rather than whine about how challenging and difficult the first year of law school is (I do that enough on Facebook), I’m choosing to write about something you never hear from a first year student: law school can be fun. Yes, there is an endless amount of reading, and yes, it is all very challenging. I expected that when I …

KU Public Interest Law Society off to a busy start

The year is off to a good start for the KU Public Interest Law Society (KUPILS). Our hallmark event, Casino Night, is shaping up to be a hit, in no small part, because of the generous donation by Alvamar Country Club of the use of its banquet hall. The money raised supports the Public Interest stipends, which help students afford …

The power of positive psychology: part one

The recession is lingering like an unwelcome house guest. The legal job market is improving, but slower than anyone wants. The honeymoon stage of the fall semester is over. Law school reading assignments are likely piling up. Days are getting shorter. What’s a stressed out law student to do? How can you cope with pressures of law school while maintaining …