Learning the law in London

My name is Josh Williamson, and I am currently a 3L here at the University of Kansas School of Law. During the 2010 spring semester, I had the opportunity to study law in London as a participant of the London Law Consortium. (In addition to KU Law, the London Law Consortium is comprised of six other law schools located throughout …

The benefits of meditation for lawyers, law students

It appears that meditation has gotten a bit of a bad reputation thanks to a lot of misinformation. So I should probably clear some things up! Meditation is not in itself a religious practice anymore than pushups are. Granted, most religions do have some sort of meditative practice. However, the universal appeal of meditation not only points to its usefulness …

From summer associate to softball player

My first day at my internship with Fleeson, Gooing, Coulson & Kitch this summer started out perfectly. We met all the attorneys over bagels, we were set up with keys and parking passes, and we were taken to lunch by one of the attorneys who initially interviewed us. After lunch, things took a sharp turn for the worse. I found …