Michael H. Hoeflich has taught Legal Ethics Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs to more than 1,500 attorneys in the past six months. Hoeflich is the John H. & John M. Kane Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Kansas School of Law.
Hoeflich taught the CLE programs virtually in conjunction with Joseph, Hollander & Craft LLC (JHC) partners Christopher Joseph, L’00, and Diane Bellquist, L’02.
“As a result of the pandemic, it became increasingly difficult to put on in-person CLE programs, so I approached Chris Joseph and suggested that we start a series of free online programs,” Hoeflich said. “We have been delighted at the strong positive response those programs have received.”
Since April, more than 1,500 attorneys have participated in the free CLE programs taught by Hoeflich, Joseph and Bellquist. For each CLE program, JHC produces a Legal Ethics and Malpractice Reporter newsletter.
CLE program topics and host organizations included:
- “The History of Ethics and Comparing Modern Rules,” April 15, 2020, Greater Kansas City Society of Healthcare Attorneys (GKCSHA)
- “Legal Ethics & Trial Publicity,” April 30, 2020, Joseph, Hollander & Craft LLC
- “Tech Tips in a Cyber World,” May 28, 2020, Joseph, Hollander & Craft LLC
- “The History of Ethics & Comparing Modern Rules,” July 17, 2020, Kansas Women Attorneys Association
- “Assisting or Counseling Client Fraud or Criminal Activity: ABA Formal Ethics Opinion 491,” July 22, 2020, Joseph, Hollander & Craft LLC
On Sept. 23, Hoeflich will present a CLE program on “Representing Cannabis Industry Clients: Ethical Pitfalls” with JHC attorneys Christopher McHugh, L’00, and Andrew Goodwin. The program has been approved for 1 hour of Ethics CLE in Kansas and Missouri. To register, visit the JHC event web page.
Hoeflich joined the KU Law faculty in 1994. He served as dean from 1994 to 2000. He previously served as the director of the M.S. in Homeland Security: Law & Policy degree program as well.
— By Ashley Golledge