Public Interest Law Society fundraiser will benefit law students

The Public Interest Law Society at KU Law is off to a great start this year.

We just secured The Alton Ballroom at Pachamama’s as the location for our big annual fundraiser, Casino Night. It will be Oct. 1 from 7 pm to midnight. We will have roulette, poker, blackjack, prizes and all the fancy food and drink we can take. We hope the whole law school will be able to attend.

The proceeds fund all the club’s activities, including a career panel, a trip to Yale for a few delegates to the Rebellious Lawyer conference, and summer stipends for students who volunteer at a Legal Aid or other public interest organizations over the summer.

Also, KU PILS has a new Facebook page this year to keep up with our members on the site they visit most. Search KU Public Interest Law Society on Facebook and join us online!

KU Public Interest Law Society (KUPILS)

Students plan sand volleyball tourney and multicultural potluck picnic

On Sept. 24, the Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity is hosting its 2nd Annual KU Law Sand Volleyball Tournament in conjunction with a Multicultural Potluck Picnic.

All law students will be invited to form volleyball teams to take on last year’s defending champion team from the Native American Law Students Association.

This event is co-sponsored with several other student organizations, and everyone is encouraged to bring along their favorite cultural dish to share with the group. Last year, 60 students attended the picnic for an afternoon of volleyball and great food, and we are looking forward to an even larger turnout this year.

Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity, Green Chapter

Singing the praises of HeinOnline

I would like to introduce to you one of my favorite databases: HeinOnline.

William S. Hein & Co. Inc. started 80 years ago as a preservation publisher. This means they would take long, out-of-print legal research material and reprint it in either hard copies or microfilm/fiche format. In the early 1990s, they started using digital technology to make this process easier. Little did they realize the future of digital technology!

In the late 1990s, Hein found itself in a unique position to help legal researchers around the world. Hein already had millions of pages in digital format as well as the microfilm/fiche that could easily be converted. Working with Cornell Information Technologies (Cornell University), Hein established HeinOnline, a product that give access to historical legal publications, previously unavailable through other sources. The cool part about it is that all of the documents would be in the original page-image format (PDF), ensuring the authenticity of the original hardcopy document in an online environment.

By mid-2000, HeinOnline was already on its way to changing online research. The value of fully searchable PDFs is beyond comprehension. Today, HeinOnline’s content spans multiple library collections with more than 40 million pages of research material, much of which is only available through HeinOnline. Here are some examples of things not available anywhere else (or at least not compiled so completely):

  • English Reports, Full Reprint (1220-1867). English case law from 1220-1867. Seriously. Over 100,000 cases reprinted verbatim. 178 volumes.
  • European Center for Minority Issues. Just as the name suggests, ECMI deals with minority issues all across Europe.
  • Foreign & International Law Resources Database (FILRD). Contains more than 50 international yearbooks, U.S. Law Digests, Publications of The Hague Court of International Justice, and the Reports of International Arbitral Awards.
  • Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS). Presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity and is comprised of more than 500 books. 1861 through 1975 (Lincoln through Nixon).
  • Legal Classics. Offers more than 1,400 works from some of the greatest legal minds in history, including Joseph Story, Louis Brandeis, Benjamin N. Cardozo and Edwardo Coke. In addition to many “classics”, this collection includes rare items that are found in only a handful of libraries around the world. The collection focuses on constitutional law, political science, and other classic topics.
  • National Moot Court Competition. This is a compilation of the records and briefs required for the National Moot Court Competition. The winning briefs are also available.
  • Philip C. Jessup Library. Looking to participate in the Jessup Moot Court Competition or practice international law? This database is for you! It contains Ad Rem: The Magazine of the International Law Students Association, ASILS International Law Journal, ILSA Journal of International Law, and Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition Compendium.
  • Subject Compilations of State Laws (1960-2009). Fifty-state serveys are a gathering of all of the laws on a particular subject and the bane of a first-year associate. This is a topical gathering of many 50-state serveys by topic.
  • Treaties and Agreements Library. Contains ALL of the U.S. treaties, whether currently in force, expired or not yet officially published. This library is the world’s largest and most complete online collection of U.S. treaties and agreements. This HeinOnline library features a custom Treaty Metadata Search option that allows you to quickly locate a treaty and a summary of the key treaty information.
  • U.S. Federal Legislative History Library. Really, two databases in one:

    Sources of Compiled Legislative History Database: derived from the looseleaf publication Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories: A Bibliography of Government Documents, Periodical Articles, and Books by Nancy P. Johnson, Law Librarian and Professor of Law at Georgia State University College of Law.

    U.S. Federal Legislative History Title Collection: a collection of full-text legislative histories on some of the most important and historically significant legislation of our time. In addition to major complete legislative histories, this collection also includes texts related to legislative histories.

  • U.S. Presidential Library. Includes such titles as Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the Presidents, CFR Title 3 (Presidents), Weekly Compilation of the Presidential Documents, Economic Report of the President, and other documents relating to U.S. presidents.
  • World Trials Library. This collection includes more than 2,200 trials, including complete sets of American State Trials, Howell’s State Trials and the Nuremberg Trials. Additionally, you can find famous trials from the Jenkins Law Library World Trials collection and the University of Missouri-Columbia’s trials collection. We welcome your suggestions for additional content. In addition to trial transcripts and other critical court documents, this image-based (PDF) collection includes trial-related resources such as monographs, which analyze and debate the decisions of famous trials as well as biographies of many great trial lawyers in history.

Of course, law journals and federal material are also available. Buy why on earth would you use HeinOnline to pull a journal article available through another vendor?

I am sure you are familiar with the hierarchy of citations, right? Ideally, you would like a Supreme Court case followed by an appellate court case in your jurisdiction. A statute on point would be nice, too. After that, you get into hazy territory.

Well, did you know that there is a hierarchy of documents? It’s true. You see, the hard copy is most reliable, followed by an image of the original page (PDF). If all else fails, you can then call upon the digital world. If you are relying on the exact language or if you need to cite to a specific page, you really do need to look at the hard copy. But with so much material coming out so quickly mixed with space and time restraints, digital-imaging is becoming more and more prevalent and acceptible.

So PDFs are almost as good as hard copy. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an electronic database that was completely searchable with a sophisticated algorithm (you use the word “algorithm” all the time, right?) but would produce PDFs? Yes it would.

HeinOnline does.

William S. Hein & Co., Inc

Blake Wilson

E-mail etiquette for law students, lawyers

Most professionals I know, and most students in professional school for that matter, spend a good deal of time each day composing e-mails. While some of these e-mails undoubtedly address personal matters, business matters generate lots of electronic traffic.

Cover letters and resumes are the backbone of job-search correspondence, but effective use of e-mail can greatly enhance, or diminish, one’s chances of landing a quality position. The care with which you compose a business e-mail says a lot about your effectiveness as a communicator and your savvy as a professional.

Just think about a few of the reasons a law student might compose an e-mail to an attorney:

  1. to express interest in a job opening;
  2. to ask questions about the attorney’s practice;
  3. to follow up with an attorney after an interview;
  4. as a thank-you note;
  5. to negotiate the terms of a job offer;
  6. to confirm the acceptance of a job offer;
  7. to request an informational interview; and
  8. as a means of networking, such as by providing the attorney information about developments in a practice area of mutual interest.

If budding lawyers do not learn to e-ail effectively while in law school, they’re destined for a crash course in e-mail etiquette when they begin to practice. Time is, after all, money, and the inefficient and clumsy use of e-mail will frustrate coworkers and opposing counsel alike.

The following rules are taken from the excellent article “E-Mail Like a Lawyer,” by Wayne Schiess, that first appeared in the May 2007 edition of Student Lawyer.

Schiess directs the Legal Writing Program at my legal alma mater. He taught me that the flowery and complex writing I so dearly loved as an undergrad had little place in legal writing. His article makes clear that plain, well-organized thoughts are critical in e-mail communication as well.

The rules:

  1. Think. Pause. Think Again. Send.
  2. Use the subject line.
  3. Use a salutation.
  4. Write short messages.
  5. Use short paragraphs in block style.
  6. Put the question or point up front.
  7. Explain attachments.
  8. Use a sign-off.

These are great tips for law students and lawyers alike. The recipients of your e-mails will thank you.

Todd Rogers, Assistant Dean for Career Services

Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Law School

The KU Law chapter of Phi Alpha Delta presented a current student’s perspective on the “Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Law School” to prospective law students in KU’s PAD Pre-Law Chapter on Sept. 8. Here are their tips:
  1. On the first day of law school, everyone is on an even playing field, regardless of age, career background, undergraduate major, or LSAT score.
  2. Your LSAT score is not necessarily an accurate depiction of how well you’ll do in law school.
  3. In certain undergraduate classes, you were probably able to “BS” your way to an A. That strategy does not work in law school! You need to learn the material and know what you’re talking about.
  4. There is no reason to start reading your law school casebooks over the summer to get a jump start on everyone else.
  5. If you read any books about “How To Survive Law School,” keep in mind that those books feature just one person’s opinion. That author’s advice might not work for you, and you will figure out the best ways for YOU to prepare for class, study and take finals throughout your first year.
  6. NETWORKING! Keep in touch with friends you grew up with and people you meet during undergrad. You never know who you will need to contact when you start searching for jobs.
  7. You should help out your law school classmates if they ask you to. Why? Karma. The next time you need notes from class or help studying for finals, your classmates will remember whether you explained something to them last week or refused to give them notes last month.
  8. Be prepared to relearn how to read and write! Law school classes are completely different from any class you’ve ever taken, and legal writing is completely different from any way you’ve previously been taught to write.
  9. Do not underestimate the amount of time you’ll spend in the library. That said, you will still have time to do non-law school things, so set aside time to exercise and relax.
  10. To get the most out of your law school career, get involved in student organizations! It will give you a much-needed break from studying, and it’s also a great way to meet new people.

A law librarian’s journey into the Twittersphere

Do you use Twitter?

“What’s all this nonsense about Twitter? It’s like Facebook, right? But you only do status updates? So you post things like, ‘I’m eating breakfast. I’m driving in my car.’ I don’t want people to know what I’m doing all the time! PASS!”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this. Can you guess what comes next? You got it! They sign up for Twitter to see what the fuss is about.

So what is this fuss about? What exactly is Twitter?

From the Twitter Web site:

“In countries all around the world, people follow the sources most relevant to them and access information via Twitter as it happens—from breaking world news to updates from friends. See what people are doing right now.”

That makes Twitter sound passive, like you are eavesdropping. This has not been my experience. Sure, at first it was strange. You have to find people to follow, and at that time, nobody I knew was on. So I started following celebrities: Wil Wheaton of “Star Trek” fame and Greg Grunberg from “Heroes” were the first two. I then started adding news sources and topical tweets. Finally, friends started appearing. Then I discovered that all of this can be accessed via text messaging! How cool that you can be kept up to date on various happenings through the text messaging feature on your phone?

Here are some tweeters you might consider following:
Off-the-record updates from Above the Law. Stuff you won’t see on CNN.

Law for all. Legal news of interest to general public and civic-minded attorneys. Leans more towards public interest.

The University of Kansas tweets their news updates so you don’t have to constantly check the Web site.

Law Humor posts funny law jokes, rants, anecdotes and true stories.

For those who don’t know, I’m a huge comic book geek. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a nonprofit company that helps defend the First Amendment rights of artists and vendors.

This is the official Twitter page of the White House.

Huffington Post posts political stuff.

The top news stories from National Public Radio.’s breaking news.

Ann Curry mixes news with life experience. I think I have developed a crush on her.

The official Twitter profile of the University of Kansas School of Law.


Happy Twittering everybody!
