We all know the struggle is real when it comes to maintaining motivation to plow through the week in Green. Especially now that the days are longer, the mornings are darker, and the make-up classes are piling up. However, I’ve found that focusing on the little joys in life makes the sometimes daunting tasks of law school seem much more manageable and, dare I say it, even fun (Yes, I had fun reading my property book. Judge me).
So, here’s a few of the little joys in my life that get me through the week:

Starbucks – As a very wise woman once said, “buy myself all of my favorite things” – Ariana Grande. My small section knows as well as anyone how much I enjoy my morning Starbucks. What makes it even better is most of the time I can get a free drink thanks to Westlaw research quizzes or Lexis Nexis points!

Bria’s golden retriever, Mellie. Photo by Jenna Lambertz.
My dog (and all dogs) – My favorite part of my day is coming home to my golden retriever, Mellie. She’s a constant reminder that things are never as bad as they may seem. She can bring a smile to anyone’s face and I’ve never met anyone as excited to see me after a long day.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine – One of my favorite ways to relieve stress and just unwind at the end of the day is to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine. This show never fails to make me laugh (even though I’ve seen it in its entirety at least five times!)

Student Organization Activities – One of my favorite parts of law school sometimes has nothing to do with the law. Last semester the Black Law Students Association hosted our annual Thanksgiving donation fundraiser for local shelters in the Lawrence/Kansas City area. It was fun watching my peers race to the deadline and contribute to such an amazing cause.

KU Basketball – ‘Tis the season for KU Basketball! Although I now, and forever, will bleed Cardinal and Gold (Go Cyclones!) one of the most exciting moments of my Fall semester was attending a KU basketball game in Allen Fieldhouse. It’s no Hilton Coliseum but let’s just say there’s a reason they say, “Beware of the Phog!” Regardless of my alliance to Iowa State, attending a basketball game the night before my 9-hour Civil Procedure final was a great way to de-stress and relieve anxiety!
We all have our own little things that make our days brighter, and maybe Brooklyn Nine-Nine doesn’t make your list. That’s fine! All that matters is you know what yours are and keep them in mind when your backpack is dragging you down a little too much. Now, excuse me, because I’ve got a Twitter thread of golden retrievers to scroll though.
— Bria Nelson is a 1L from Woodstock, Illinois and a KU Law Student Ambassador.