In Legally Blonde, Elle’s father was wrong when he told her, “Oh, sweetheart, you don’t need law school. Law school is for people who are boring and ugly and serious.” Thankfully, law school, particularly KU Law, is for all personalities—especially the interesting, quirky, and creative folks, just like Elle! Personally, by finding ways to be creative—in and out of school—I …
What I learned my first semester of law school
As the spring semester is about to begin, I find myself reflecting on my first semester of law school. Grades and class ranks have been posted. I have a pretty good sense of what worked for me last semester, as well as what I need to do to improve next semester. I know many 1L law students are in a …
My top five (non-law school) study spots
As a non-traditional student and soon-to-be first-generation attorney, transitioning to law school presented a host of new challenges. During the first semester of my 1L year, one of my biggest areas of growth involved “finding my lane.” Not only had I been working for a few years after undergrad, but I also didn’t have a very good idea of what …
How not to go broke buying textbooks
I am not sure about you, but I always feel anxious to get back to school after a prolonged break. Although it is one of my life goals to become a person who can fully embrace the art of il dolce far niente, the anxiety devil that lives on my shoulder begins to poke my “feel guilty about relaxing” button …
Living with the Bluebook: Three essential rules
As I discussed last year, while the Bluebook is, at its core, an Eldritch Abomination, there are certain tips and tricks we can use to turn the humble “Uniform System of Citation®” into something you can understand and appreciate. To build on that knowledge, I give you the Bluebook rules that every law student should know, regardless of whether they are …
Why Lawrence is the best place to live while going to law school
While exploring law school options, you will hear a lot about the towns the law schools reside in. In fact, you have likely already heard some things about Lawrence, Kansas. You probably heard the cost of living is affordable, and the commute from Kansas City is doable. I want to fill you in on the things that you don’t always …