A window into the policy process: Grant Treaster, L’15

Participating in Professor Jennifer Schmidt’s Public Policy Clinic convinced Grant Treaster of the value of gaining legal research and policy analysis skills in a hands-on learning environment. When enrollment opened for Professor Schmidt’s Legislative Clinic, Treaster took advantage of the opportunity. Students meet weekly, but most learning takes place at the statehouse in Topeka, where students intern with legislators. Treaster …

Building confidence through the Criminal Prosecution Clinic: Thomas (T.C.) Penland, L’15

As an aspiring prosecutor, the Criminal Prosecution Clinic was one of the factors that drew T.C. Penland to KU Law. “I knew about the clinic through the admissions process,” Penland said. “That was one of the things that pushed me toward KU. I went in with full expectation of participating in the clinic.” The Criminal Prosecution Clinic has two components: …

Pregnant in Law School | Part 2: The Internship

Like many 2Ls beginning their summer internship, I was extremely nervous and worried about making a good impression, hoping for that coveted offer of full-time employment at the end of the summer. I was also one of five interns, and we all knew we most likely were competing for a limited number of offers. So, no pressure whatsoever! I was …