Perhaps most interestingly, Carothers prefers to refer to herself as someone who went to law school rather than referring to herself as a lawyer. This isn’t just because she is no longer a member of the Kansas Bar; it is because she is not practicing the law the way people commonly envision. She still reads through statutes and wades through agency regulations, much like a lawyer does. But she doesn’t appear in court before a judge, which is what most people think of when they think of lawyers. What her legal education has given her is not a career that people commonly envision. It has given her the ability and comfort level necessary to work through statutes, something that her colleagues who have not been to law school lack. Rather than reading a 15-page manual on how to adhere to a particular regulation, she can read the statue itself. This is how she incorporates her legal training into a career serving her country.
— Story by Kasey Considine, ILS President