Growing up in rural Kansas, I was able to gain a variety of agricultural experiences. My family hayed most of our five acres, raised chickens and sold their eggs, and on the rare occasion, helped our neighbors wrangle their cows back onto their property or help with calving. Despite not being a natural farmer, I have always maintained a great …
Don’t box yourself in!
When I began law school, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with a law degree. Criminal prosecution and defense has always been a near and dear subject to me. I had no doubt that working in Kansas City as a Prosecutor or Criminal Defense attorney would be the move after graduation. That being said, I did not intern …
Experience gained at MLP is invaluable
The Medical-Legal Partnership Field Placement Program was a truly invaluable experience that allowed me to work with clients as well as enhance my research and writing skills. One of the best parts about the MLP was that I never knew what type of cases would come across my desk each day. From preparing advanced directive documents and working with landlord …
A cold case cracked, a career launched
Student ends law school with unparalleled prosecution experience When I started at KU Law as a summer starter in 2016, my goal was to follow the accelerated track. If I played my cards right and took a sufficient number of credit hours per semester, I could graduate in two years. The task seemed daunting, but as my last summer as …
Law student starts nonprofit to empower, educate Tanzanian women
In Tanzania, the government bans young mothers from attending state schools. But a KU Law student who has lived and worked in the East African nation is doing her part to ensure pregnant women can continue their education. Third-year law student Paeten Denning recently founded a nonprofit organization called Miracles Are Real Because Love Exists (M.A.R.B.L.E.), which provides vocational education, …
Student Spotlight: Jacob Elberg’s legal experience crosses three state lines
The experience on 3L Jacob Elberg’s resume traverses state lines. So far in his career, Elberg has held legal positions in Kansas, Florida and New Jersey. Before going to law school, Elberg spent a year as an intern for the Douglas County District Court in Lawrence. This summer, he split his time between Florida and New Jersey. Elberg’s hometown is …