Finding balance in law school

Photo by Ashley Golledge

At each stage of life, we are tasked with the challenge of finding balance. As children, we are taught to balance time spent playing video games with time spent outside getting fresh air. In college, we must learn to balance time spent enjoying our friends’ company, with time spent in the library enjoying textbooks. In the professional world, there’s a struggle to balance time spent fulfilling work obligations with time spent tending to household duties.

For my entire life, I have been expected to find balance, and as far as I can recall, have done so relatively easily. Law school, however, presents new challenges that require almost expert deftness. Balancing staying up late to finish the next day’s reading, with going to bed early and getting a full night’s sleep. Balancing reducing anxiety by napping or going for a walk, with feeding anxiety by foregoing reading and outlining. Law school requires mastery of many balancing acts, but among the most nuanced, is finding balance between navigating the competitive nature of law school, with establishing and maintaining meaningful and authentic relationships with classmates/competitors.

We are told often how important it is to establish relationships with our classmates — the people who will one day be among the most important parts of our network. This seems counterintuitive given the fact that while in law school, we compete for scholarships, interviews, internships and grades. How much stronger could our networks be if just about every aspect of the law school experience wasn’t a quasi-zero-sum game?  

A recurring theme from my legal education so far, is that in any given situation, there is rarely (if ever) one, and only one, reasonable solution. How do you find balance in law school? It depends; what are your goals? For me, the goal is, of course, to always be as prepared for class as possible. This naturally involves being caught up on reading so as to enhance my understanding of the concepts and be able to meaningfully contribute to class discussion. Likewise, the goal is to be competitive in law school and the legal profession.

But more than one thing can be true at the same time — the goal is also to maintain effective selfcare routines, and ultimately, a sustainable lifestyle. Some days, that requires me to spend more time outdoors with my dog, than I do indoors briefing cases. Most days, that means I prioritize a full night’s sleep over checking more tasks off my to-do list. Every day, that means I rank nurturing meaningful relationships over clinging to unhealthy competition.

Finding balance in law school and in life isn’t easy. But identifying your goals; setting your priorities; and recognizing that there are many solutions to finding balance and many ways to succeed in law school, is a good place to start.

— By Cortez Downey, a 2L from Edmond, Oklahoma and a KU Law Student Ambassador.

Alumna advocates for veterans, military and their families

Kelly Circle, L’95

After a yearlong national search, Kelly Circle was selected to serve as the executive director of the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) National Headquarters in Indianapolis. Circle, L’95, began her role in November 2019.

The ALA is one of the nation’s largest patriotic service organizations, which works to honor and support veterans, military and their families through programs, events and educational initiatives. The ALA celebrated its 100-year anniversary in 2019.

“As executive director, I want to help inspire every single unit member to do what they can to help veterans,” Circle said. “When we all work together, we can really make an impact to help our veterans, military and their families.”

Circle joined the Olathe, Kansas unit of the ALA in 2006 to honor the military service of her parents, who are both veterans. Circle’s parents met while serving in the U.S. Navy during the 1950’s.

“I’m proud to be an ALA member to honor my mother and her service to our country,” Circle said.

Circle’s husband, Russ; brother; and father-in-law are U.S. Army veterans. Russ Circle is also a member of the Sons of The American Legion.

Over the years, Circle has been involved with the ALA on a volunteer basis as a member of the Department of Kansas constitution and bylaws committee; second district vice president and president; and government staff at ALA Girls Nation, a weeklong civic training program for high school juniors.

As executive director, Circle oversees 43 employees at the ALA’s national headquarters; reviews legal documents; manages fiscal assets; works with the governing board and its chair; and builds external relationships.

“There are no two days that are the same,” Circle said. “It’s been great. I absolutely love it.”

More than 600,000 people are involved with the organization nationwide. The ALA has units in all 50 U.S. states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

Kelly Circle, L’95, serves as the executive director of the American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters in Indianapolis.

Circle strives to increase ALA membership and awareness of the work the ALA does to benefit veterans.

“My goal is to increase membership and awareness of the American Legion Auxiliary and the American Legion Family,” Circle said. “I want to encourage post 9/11 veterans and families to get involved in the American Legion Family to serve veterans for the next 100 years.”

The ALA works with veterans and their families at local, state and national levels. Most notably, the ALA joins the American Legion to meet with Congressional representatives each year in Washington, D.C. to advocate for veterans’ rights and discuss legislation affecting veterans. The American Legion Family played a role in the G.I. Bill and lighting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

“Veterans are willing to sacrifice their lives,” Circle said. “The least we can do is give them the benefits that we promised them and make sure they’re taken care of.”

Circle also looks forward to the opportunity to be more involved with the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival, which highlights performance art and artwork created by veterans. The festival is co-sponsored by the ALA and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

“To see the power of art and how it can help heal is amazing,” Circle said. “I think that’s pretty special and something we do with the V.A. that really makes an impact.”

In the past year, the ALA worked to adapt their operations to address some of the challenges brought on by COVID-19. Meetings, conventions and festivals shifted to a virtual format. ALA volunteers launched letter writing campaigns, sewed masks and organized drop-off food drives for veterans.

“Units have shown how creative, resilient, and resourceful they can be,” Circle said. “The ALA is set up for the next century of service in a way that I couldn’t have expected.”

Prior to taking on a full-time role with the ALA, Circle worked in the field of higher education for 25 years. Most recently, Circle was a dean of instruction at Red Rocks Community College in Lakewood, Colorado.

She received a B.A. in psychology from Northwest Missouri State University, a J.D. from the University of Kansas School of Law, and a Ph.D. in education from Saint Louis University.

“I use my law degree every single day in this job,” Circle said. “It has been an incredible asset in my professional career.”

— By Ashley Golledge

6th Semester in D.C. experience was ‘invaluable’ to professional career

Marissa Hotujac, L’20, poses for a picture in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. Photo courtesy of Marissa Hotujac.

Participating in the 6th Semester in D.C. program turned out to be the best part of law school, and I hadn’t even considered doing it until my 3L year. Going into my final year at Green Hall, I wanted real-world experience in environmental law, but I wasn’t sure exactly how to do that. A short conversation with Professor Jennifer Schmidt pointed me in the direction of the Equal Justice Works (EJW) Conference and the 6th Semester program, which ultimately led to an amazing environmental law clerkship in Washington, D.C. 

Every fall (at least prior to COVID-19), KU Law sends a few lucky students to the EJW Conference in D.C. for a weekend of networking and interviewing with employers in public interest law. It is a great professional opportunity to interview with employers from all over the country, but it also allows those attending the opportunity to explore our nation’s capital (which for me was a glorious first full of museums and monuments).

Marissa Hotujac, L’20, participated in KU Law’s 6th Semester in Washington, D.C. Program in the spring of 2020. Photo courtesy of Marissa Hotujac.

I interviewed with several NGOs and government agencies in the environmental law field during the EJW Conference and secured a spring semester clerkship with the U.S. Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division (DOJ ENRD).

After landing a stellar opportunity, the only thing really holding me back from D.C. was the cost. Like many large cities, Washington, D.C. is notorious for its high rent, which had me feeling apprehensive. As it turned out, an extremely generous alum offered to help me with housing. And the location was about as good as it gets – in beautiful DuPont circle, just steps away from the metro.

Once I got to D.C., I began my clerkship with the DOJ ENRD where I was placed in the Environmental Enforcement Section with about 20 other clerks. This section enforces the federal environmental laws of the U.S. by bringing civil actions against individuals and entities who are not in compliance with federal laws like the Clean Air Act.

My experience working in the ENRD can only be described as invaluable, and I gained skills there that I will carry with me throughout my professional career. There, I worked on complex environmental law issues with a team of knowledgeable DOJ attorneys. I participated in meetings with DOJ and EPA attorneys from all over the country (including the Kansas office), and I was able to present my legal research to them. I also gained practical experience drafting motions, memos, and briefs, all while receiving mentorship and guidance from DOJ attorneys along the way.

Marissa Hotujac, L’20, poses for a picture in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Photo courtesy of Marissa Hotujac.

My clerkship and the experience I gained were certainly highlights of my semester in D.C., but it didn’t end there. Outside of work, I attended two Supreme Court oral arguments and spent my weekends exploring the city with other DOJ ENRD law clerks from the East Coast and West Coast law schools. Our adventures included day-long walks in Georgetown, museums and gallery marathons, relaxing under the monuments, picnics on the National Mall, and even hosting our own “law clerk prom” in D.C. since none of us could attend our schools’ law proms.

Spending my 6th semester in D.C. was one of the best decisions I made in law school. I would never have anticipated the professional and personal growth that I would experience during my time in D.C., and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity and the memories made. It was well worth taking the leap out of my comfort zone.

— By Marissa Hotujac, L’20

Melanie DeRousse takes on leadership role at Best Practices for Legal Education blog

Clinical Associate Professor Melanie DeRousse

Melanie DeRousse recently became editor of the Best Practices for Legal Education blog. DeRousse has been a blog author and commentator for several years. She is also a clinical associate professor and the director of the Legal Aid Clinic at KU Law.

Since 2007, the Best Practices for Legal Education blog has discussed, documented and recorded reforms in legal education. The blog, which is updated twice a week, serves as gathering place for discussion of ideas about how to best educate lawyers.

“I’ve always been interested in the recent energy around reforming legal education and bringing new ideas to the table,” DeRousse said. “I am continually intrugued by how we teach and train lawyers for the market they are now entering and the clients that they need to serve.”

DeRousse began her new role in July. She co-edits the blog with Davida Finger, a clinical professor and associate dean at Loyola New Orleans College of Law. DeRousse and Finger took over leadership of the blog from former editor and founder, Mary Lynch.

The blog grew out of the work of the Clinical Legal Education Association’s (CLEA) Best Practices Committee. DeRousse has served as co-chair of CLEA’s Best Practices Committee since 2018.

As an editor, DeRousse takes an active role with the blog’s 39 contributing authors by organizing a posting schedule, soliciting topics, communicating with authors, publishing blog posts, moderating comments, and ensuring deadlines are met.

“It gave me a chance to have a platform to encourage authors to think more deeply about issues and start writing about them as they relate to legal education,” DeRousse said.

DeRousse and Finger plan to highlight three content areas on the blog: teaching justice by doing justice work, pedagogical evolution and large-scale policy changes affecting teaching.

“As we move forward into this new era of leadership, Davida and I have talked about continuing to develop that robust discussion. Keeping it as an experimental space where we can discuss new ideas and vet them among colleagues who are also interested in those ideas,” DeRousse said. “We also want to push the blog in a direction where we talk about equity and inclusion in legal education.”

The Best Practices for Legal Education Blog is recognized as a voice in the national dialogue about legal education. The blog was named to the ABA Journal‘s Blawg 100 Hall of Fame in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018. It was ranked as the #1 legal education blog by FeedSpot in 2020.

“This blog is such a great opportunity for KU to be a national voice in the conversation about changes in legal education,” DeRousse said. “It’s a good fit for what KU is as an institution.”

DeRousse joined the KU Law faculty in 2015. The lawyering program at KU Law emphasizes experiential teaching methodologies, which piqued DeRousse’s interest in teaching at the university.

“KU has a really strong position on teaching and legal pedagogy,” DeRousse said. “We have really diverse methods of teaching, and my colleagues here strive for a level of inclusivity and engagement in their teaching.”

Prior to entering academia, DeRousse was an attorney at Legal Services of Eastern Missouri Inc., where she focused her civil practice on the legal needs of survivors of intimate partner violence. She also clerked for Hon. Kathianne Knaup Crane at the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District.

— By Ashley Golledge

How to stay connected with your classmates in the era of social distancing

Photo by Ashley Golledge

Stephen King may have been an undercover law student at some point, and was talking about law students when he exclaimed, “If we don’t have each other, we go crazy with loneliness. When we do, we go crazy with togetherness.”

Before COVID-19, most of us law students spent the better part of our time together. Even on the weekends, we would get together to study. All this togetherness did make us cherished our brief moments alone. However, it has now been over seven months since many of us have seen each other in Green Hall. I know I miss you all! You understand what I’m going through as a law student. My husband just doesn’t seem to care or participate in the grumbling when I randomly and frustratingly blurt out “BLUEBOOK.” A fellow classmate in the library would not need any explanation and just join in with his own protest. I miss that!

With many of us only taking classes online and group meetings being held virtually, we have to be purposeful to connect with one another. It’s not just important for us as students (we all need that person we can text during class to ask a “stupid” question), but these peer relationships are meaningful as we embark on our careers. Our peers will be people we call on for references, advice and support for years to come.

To help combat the isolation and loneliness, as well as help facilitate the meaningful building of relationships, the various student groups have worked hard to create opportunities for us to interact together outside of our classes. If you have yet to get involved with a student group, I highly recommend checking some of them out soon. Many are just now having their first meetings and even if you’re not an official member, they will all welcome you to join their events.

I am honored to be president of KU Women in Law. We have already had deep meaningful discussions about our role as women in racial reconciliation, in politics and voting as we commemorate 100 years of the 19th Amendment. Our meetings do not look like they have in the past, but that’s OK. Even with being completely online, the group has been able to think outside the box with various activities, including teaming up with the Association of Women Lawyers of Kansas City to help match our members with a legal mentor in the KC area! I’m thankful that I have personally gotten to know some of my peers on a deeper and more meaningful level.

If you are not sure what groups or events are available, make sure to check your class’s Facebook page, Dean Crystal Mai’s announcements, or ask those in your section what they are involved in. You can also reach out to Dean Leah Terranova. There really is a student group that fit every kind of interest waiting for you! Because if we’re going through this crazy time, we should at least do so together!

— By Kendra Stacey, a 2L from Kansas City, Kansas and a KU Law Student Ambassador

KU Law welcomes largest class of LEAD students this fall

A group of LEAD students tour the Kansas Supreme Court building in April 2019.

The University of Kansas School of Law welcomed 15 students from the LEAD Program this fall, making it the largest class of LEAD students since the program launched in 2013.

The Legal Education Accelerated Degree (LEAD) Program gives students an expedited opportunity to earn both a B.A. and a J.D. degree in six years, instead of seven.

“We believe KU Law to have the largest, or second largest, 3+3 program in the country,” said Lumen Mulligan, LEAD program director and professor of law. “LEAD students accounted for nearly 15% of our 1L enrollment in fall 2020.”

The program is designed to prepare students for law school and a legal career. As undergraduates, LEAD students have the opportunity to learn about law school, law-related internships and legal practice; build relationships with law professors and practicing attorneys; and participate in off-campus activities, such as a tour of the Kansas Supreme Court building and discussion with a justice of the court.

Sixty percent of the 15-person class of LEAD students are Kansas residents. The remaining 40% arrive at KU Law from five states across the country.

The LEAD program at KU started in 2013. The University of Kansas School of Law and the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences collaborated on the degree track to provide an opportunity for high-ability students to maximize their coursework at KU.

The size of the program has grown over time. There are 125 undergraduate students at KU currently enrolled in the LEAD program. The program is offered at the University of Kansas and Kansas State University.

Sarah Wood, a first-year law student from Tulsa, Oklahoma, said she was grateful to be a part of the LEAD Program because it helped guide her goals from the very beginning of her college experience.

“Choosing to go to law school and all that comes with it can be an extremely stressful time, but with the guidance I received from KU, I felt fully supported each step of the way,” Wood said. “After my first full month of law school, I am more appreciative than ever to the LEAD Program and all that it offers.”

— By Ashley Golledge